Mathematical Oncology Systems Analysis Imaging Consortium

A Centralized Curation of Image-Localized and
Multi-regional Tissue Sampling of Brain Tumors

We are a community of scientists interested in multi-regional sampling of brain tumors to reveal and study the heterogeneity within (brain) tumors.  

This site serves as a service to the broader cancer biology community in which existing and new/novel tissue cohorts will be curated.  

Our vision is that this open science initiative will embolden new discoveries in our pursuit of solving brain cancer!

Terms of Use:  Use of novel data linked here requires referencing of our protocol manuscript detailing our many year effort to collect these important but novel image-localized biopsies across a diversity of brain cancers.  As of May 2023, we have collected over 1,000 biopsies across >220 patients. 

Contact us at Swanson Lab  if you have questions regarding the datasets or collaborating on future cohorts.


NEW - May 2023: Our first novel cohort was collected by the Swanson Lab at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona includes 157 MRI-localized biopsy samples from 44 patients with primary or recurrent glioblastoma highlighted in the following manuscript with bulk RNAseq and whole exome sequencing with metadata connecting these samples with imaging location. 

OLD: A limited list of historically collect multiregional sampling projects do exist in the literature.   We will also attempt to curate them here.  Please contact us if we are missing any known datasets capturing these important aspects of intratumoral heterogeneity.